
We gonna build a bridge across the sea, the ocean.
The only way to go is sink or swim and here we are again
Here we are
Here we are
Here we are again
Here we are this moment belongs to us

Tonight is our night we won’t fall apart (Na Na Na Na)
Tonight is our night and we won`t fall apart (Na Na Na Na)

There is only one thing left to say
so let us sing a final song
We’ve been silenced way to long
now our voices will be heard
The only way to go is sink or swim and we will do it again

We’ve been silenced way too long
now our voices will be heard
like a scream from a broken lung
and we will finally be heard


Reamped, Mixed and Mastered by Aljoscha Sieg at Pitchback Studios (
Guitars Recorded by David Beule
Vocals Recorded by Kamil Albrecht

Video directed by:
Kamil Albrecht (
Moritz Maibaum (
Robin Selhorst (

Makeup and FX:
Sarah Scherer (

Additional FX Sound
Kamil Albrecht
Simon vom Eyser
Maximilian Lumer


Special thanks:
Patrick Ried
Kevin Küppers
Ronnie Jansen
Denise Guetjens
Kevin Winkens
Mareike Vieten